Xperia X10, Elegant Android Phone From Sony Ericsson.

Posted by InfoPhone-KDR Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 comes with two basic colors, Sensous Black and Luster White.
From the front looks minimalist design with the screen 4-inch TFT Capacitive touchscreen tech.
For color on the screen, Xperia X10 uses the power of 65 thousand colors and the screen surface is protected with scratch-resistant glass.

Below the screen there are only a menu button, home, and back.
Indicator lights display flanked on top, and the main menu will be visible when we pulled it from the bottom of the screen.
Conversely notification menu will appear if we pull it from the top screen.

The pages homescreen in customize by Sony Ericsson making it slightly different from other Android phones.
On the main page there is the Sony Ericsson logo, and when touched will direct users to make arrangements Timescape.
Together with the mediaspace which became Xperia X10.

If in shear to the left, then the user will see a second homescreen with the connection settings menu.
When in shear to the right will be visible history of the internet pages that ever opened.
Homecreen this can be in fox according to user wishes.

Virtual keyboard will appear when the user performs the option of typing, but it looks like not perfect like Google Nexus One.
At the top there is the power button, 3.5mm audio port, and mini USB with rubber cap.
USB placement at the top is interesting, considering that it will close the opportunity to develop the dock Xperia X10 like the iPhone.

On the left side there the screen the camera button and volume keys, while at the bottom there is a place holder hanger mobile accessories.
The most interesting design is actually located on the back and sides, a back cover looks slightly curved at the top with silver accents on the edges to make the rear view looks very elegant.
This phone is also equipped with a power of camera 8,1 megapixel, which is a phone Android with the largest camera resolution.

Price: Rp. 7.000.000
Network: GSM 850/900/1800/1900, HSDPA 900/1900/2100
Dimensions: 119 x 63 x 13 mm.
Weight: 135 grams.
Screen: TFT capacitive touchscreen, 65.536 colors, 4 inch, 480 x 854 pixel.
Internal Memory: 1 GB with 384 MB RAM.
External Memory: microSD Up to 16 GB.
Connectivity: HSDPA 7.2 mbps, HSUPA 2.0 mbps, Wi-Fi 802.11 b / g, DLNA, Bluetooth v2.1 with A2DP, USB.
Camera: 8.1 Megapixel, 3264 x 2448 pixels, autofocus, LED flash.
OS: Android version 1.6
Processor: 1 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon QSD8250.
Batteries: Li-Po 1500 mAh (BST-41st)

Pros: Widescreen, Google and Sony Ericsson's Service, a complete connection, attractive interface, fast browser, users guide enables users Android.

Disadvantages: a single speaker, network stability issues on the phone and SMS is less good, the virtual keyboard is less comfortable.

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  1. Den Hanafi Says:
  2. pertamaaaaaaaaax..... :D

    selamat pagi bang. mu ijin baca dolo yaa.

  3. Den Hanafi Says:
  4. cakep banget nih gadget.
    tapi sayang harganya rada2 kurang cakep. :D

  5. Rizkyzone Says:
  6. keren sob tapenya, kapan yah aq bisa beli

  7. fadly Says:
  8. wah wah...sesuai judulnya..bener bener elegan nih hp!!

    btw nice info sob!!

  9. Sungai Awan Says:
  10. Wah hebat nih.Sony Ericsson sudah ada yang pake android.Tapi mahal ya..

  11. uswah Says:
  12. Quadband ditambah lagi HSDPA tambah 8,1 MP membuat sony ini makan garang saja kawan

  13. Ratasoe Says:
  14. Wah..hp paforit ane. Tp hargx ga nahan sob..hehe..weuh featurex canggh ane keren dh. Kpn ya bsa dpt hp ky gni hehe..;-)

  15. Awan Says:
  16. wahhh..
    dimasukin ke dalam list cita2 nihhh..

    haha,.,. tengkiw infonya..

  17. akhatam Says:
  18. WOW, It's soo Tempting... Like It!!!

  19. achen Says:
  20. i like experia...

  21. buwel Says:
  22. nice sharing... thanks...

  23. alkatro Says:
  24. kereen infonya; soner is my lovely phone, tapi kalo Android yang sekeren ini:kapan ane bisa punya :D

  25. sehat-mu Says:
  26. asykkk nch kalau bisa megang ni barang..
    keren sobat infonya..

  27. waw...cakep...
    salam kenal..

  28. dulu,miliki hp kren menjadi kebanggaan. skrg aq lbh suka kompi yg keren bro! bolehkan beda. tapi.......Enaknya sih duanya keren..he..he..

  29. narti Says:
  30. 7 jt?
    gak akan bilang deh, takut dia beli lagi...hehe...

  31. sda Says:
  32. mantap sekali tuh...
    makasih infonya ya.

  33. Pasti mahal ya...? ^_^

    Makasih ya dah mampir ke tempatku

  34. NURA Says:
  35. salam sobat
    elegant banget Sony Ericssonnya.
    tipis ya,,jadi praktis dikantong.

  36. asal ngomong Says:
  37. wahhh ini dia saingannya iphone...

  38. sauskecap Says:
  39. kereennn... ngiler... dari jaman x1 ngidam belum terkabul...

  40. angger Says:
  41. manteb dah,tapi lum kesampaian buat beli...

  42. gak mutu Says:
  43. hanya bisa bermimpi ... ntah sampe kapan mimpi terwujud tuk memiliki seperti yang diatas ....

  44. Ello Aris Says:
  45. Wah, nih keluaran keren dari soner lagi ya?

    Bikin ngiri!

  46. Admin Says:
  47. dengan kamera 8 megapixel didukung dengan auto fokus bisa membuat foto tampak seperti aslinya.
    procesor nya pakai 1 ghz yah..BB kalah dunkk ...ckckckc gilee cingg.., sony emang top

  48. Unknown Says:
  49. Xperia X10 is an ideal mobile phone. Relatively expensive but has very good features. Sony Ericsson, creating a unique experience for the user thanks to the merger of entertainment features the best in its class with a variety of typical applications, the integration of social media services and graphical display of the best qualified. Thanks for your info.

  50. darahbiroe Says:
  51. wah keren nuy hp emng owq sob
    harganya juga mencekik leher

  52. antok Says:
  53. nice phone
    keren pokokna

  54. Kolom ponsel Says:
  55. Mahal bgt ya ?...

  56. Sungai Awan Says:
  57. Sayang sekali kok mahal ya.Kenapa harus jualnya mahal hehehe

  58. uswah Says:
  59. ini ponsel sony android pertama atau yang sudah kesekian kalinya ya

  60. handphone yang mahal

  61. ImUmPh Says:
  62. Great but so expensive for me. :P
    I prefer a notebook than Xperia X10. :lol

  63. Kang Sugeng Says:
  64. hiks... kapan ya bisa memiliki hp ini, ngiler doank nih

  65. Kang Sugeng Says:
  66. Sudah saya follow Sob, follow me back ya

  67. HB Seven Says:
  68. pertama yang dicari...adalah harganya berapa...weks...mahal yach...kunjungan balik bro.....

  69. Saya suka... suka semua.. spec dll nya...

    yg kurang suka cuma harganya... hahaha

  70. Dimas Says:
  71. haduh mahal banget harganya, tapi cakepnya minta ampooon..

  72. thx fir share information, but really2 expensive phone....

  73. nice post .....

  74. Blogger Says:
  75. visiting here..
    nice post my friend
    simple and usefull

  76. Thariq Says:
  77. emg keren nih hape.....(X10-red)


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